Tuesday, November 10

help! i can't relax.

I miss blogging. I can't seem to slow down enough these days to think about much of anything. And when I do slow down long enough to think, I begin to panic about one thing or another. How am I going to pay for my furniture? What if I lose my job? What would I do if he left me? What am I going to do for youth group on Sunday? When am I going to get the laundry done? How many miles did I put on my new car this week? When will I find time to go see Grandma? What if my nephews grow up without getting to spend any time with me? Do I have any food to eat? Why did I buy that? Why did I eat that? On and on...

I'm a bit nuts, it's true.

So I'm putting out the call. What do you do to slow down without letting the crazy in? What do you do to relax without letting your mind start whirling? I need some tips or I'm going to be 40 in heartbeats before I'm 30 in years. Yikes.

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